Socioterapie aneb Když poradenství nestačí

Sociální pracovníci nepracují osamoceně, většinou je to v rámci širšího systému. Když je spolupráce s klientem obtížná, jednou z možností je odkázat jej např. na psychoterapeuta, který působí mimo danou službu. To je někdy velmi výhodné, klient může navázat bezpečný terapeutický vztah mimo kontext sociálních služeb.

by Šimková, Lenka | 15 led 2019, 11:55

Současné trendy v psychoterapii

V tomto sdělení se pokusím na základě vlastní teoretické a praktické zkušenosti s měnící se tvářností psychoterapeutické scény zmapovat dosavadní hlavní proudy vývoje v oblasti pojímání psychoterapie, forem jejího uplatnění, jejích základních psychologických východisek a cílů a typických metod, ilustrovat je příklady proměn hlavních psychoterapeutických přístupů a kriticky je navzájem porovnat v rámci výkladu ...

by Balcar, Karel | 12 pro 2018, 10:52 | společný základ   kritická úvaha   psychoterapie   teorie  

The therapist’s experiencing in family therapy practice

The question posed in this article is how the therapist should deal with strong emotions she might experience in the session. This question is especially important if it concerns emotions that –at least on the surface- cannot be considered to contribute to a therapeutic alliance. We offer some eflections as ...

by Robert Peter | 5 úno 2018, 13:53 | reflektování  

Social Construction and Relationism: A Conversation with Kenneth Gergen

Kenneth Gergen is one of the most widely known contributors to social constructionist thought in the world today. Since the publication of his paper “Social Psychology as History” he has become a central player in what is known as the Social Psychology Crisis.

by Aceros, Juan C | 15 lis 2017, 14:55 | konstrukcionismus  

Narrative Therapy

Essentially, narrative therapists see life as a process of storytelling. Narrative Therapy (NT) is a relatively recent development and it is firmly situated in the social constructivist ap- proach to psychotherapy. For some, what is disconcerting about this approach is that there is no one True Story.

by Murdock, Nancy L | 15 lis 2017, 14:10 | narativní přístup  

Terapie v sociální práci

Terapie určitě své místo v sociální práci má. Ne vždy a ne všude, v některých případech je však nezastupitelná a byla by škoda, kdyby ji někteří sociáílní pracovníci neměli ve svém rejstříku.

by Šimková, Lenka | 15 lis 2017, 13:57

Old-Stream' Psychology Will Disappear With the Dinosaurs!: Kenneth Gergen in Conversation With Peter Mattes and Ernst Schraube

This conversation discusses the epistemology of social constructionism —theory, method, praxis—in relation with traditional psychology. The first part of the conversation deals with the places and forms of social constructionist thought and with the limits of the traditional positivistic epistemology of psychology. The next part of the conversation focuses on ...

| Quantitative Social Research

by Gergen, Kenneth J. ; Mattes, Peter ; Schrabe, Ernst | 5 srp 2017, 9:47 | konstrukcionismus  

Arguments Opposing the Radicalism of Radical Constructivism

Examination of the main arguments for radical constructivism and the critical arguments put forward against it. Although there is no reason to doubt the value of constructivism as such, it can be stated that any epistemological radicalism lacks plausibility. There is ample evidence that we still can adopt a critical ...

| univie

by Saalmann, Gernot | 1 srp 2017, 13:16 | radikální konstruktivismus   kritika  

Maturana Across the Disciplines

Humberto Maturana has generated a coherent and extensive explicatory matrix that encompasses his research in neurophysiology, cognition, language, emotion, and love. Can we formulate a map of Maturana’s work in a manner that is consistent with the systemic matrix it represents and that serves as an aid for understanding Maturana’s ...

| univie

by Bunnell, Pille | 1 srp 2017, 13:05 | maturanovská neurobiologie  

The Logic of Maturana’s Biology

Maturana’s work is not easy to follow. Correct and full understanding of his work has still to be achieved in spite of its importance. The objective of this paper is to investigate the core logic penetrating Maturana’s wide-ranging work and to place his work in the history of western thought.

| univie

by Imoto, Seichi | 1 srp 2017, 12:04 | maturanovská neurobiologie