On the road with Tom Andersen

Tom Andersen, the Norwegian therapist who made a name for himself with the concept of the reflecting team, briefly toured South Africa in March, running workshops in four major centres under the banner of the Family Life Centre of South Africa. New Therapist followed him for two of the stops ...

by Soderlund, John | 16 zář 2014, 7:19

On the subject of Autopoiesis and it's Boundaries

Two arguments are unfolded against the viability and advisability of applying the notion of autopoiesis to third-order systems. The first argument comes from the domain of psychotherapeutic praxis and elaborates a critique of 'boundary' and 'family' as third-order phenomena. The second argument , coming from the domain of ethics, uses ...

by Kenny, Vincent | 29 led 2015, 17:04 | radikální konstruktivismus   kritická úvaha  

The therapist’s experiencing in family therapy practice

The question posed in this article is how the therapist should deal with strong emotions she might experience in the session. This question is especially important if it concerns emotions that –at least on the surface- cannot be considered to contribute to a therapeutic alliance. We offer some eflections as ...

by Robert Peter | 5 úno 2018, 13:53 | reflektování  

What is Systemic about Systemic Therapy?: Therapy Model Muddle Embodied Systemic Practice

A critical review of some of the historical debates among systemic therapists suggests that the enactment of systemic practice has largely been eclipsed by an over-emphasis on interpretation, narrative, and theoretical understanding. We argue that being principally organized by any therapeutic model—whether it advocates a postmodern, narrative, systemic, or other ...

by Keeney, Hillary ; Keeney, Bradford | 30 srp 2022, 8:35

They Threw God out of The Garden: Letters from Gregory Bateson to Philip Wylie and Warren McCulloch

This is a small sampling of the voluminous correspondence of Gregory Bateson. This correspondence, along with all the rest of Bateson’s professional papers, films, and tape recordings, is in the process of being organized and catalogued, following which a volume of the correspondence will be edited for publication.


by Bateson, Gregory | 1 čvc 2015, 7:08 | evoluce   klasika   teorie   magie  

Toward a theory of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia its nature, etiology, and the kind of therapy to use for it remains one of the most puzzling of the mental illnesses. The theory of schizophrenia presented here is based on communications analysis, and specifically on the Theory of Logical Types. From this theory and from observations of schizophrenic ...

| Toward a theory of schizophrenia

by Bateson, Gregory ; Jackson, Don. D. ; Haley, Jay ; Weakland, John | 1 čvc 2015, 7:24 | dvojná vazba   schizofrenie   klasika   komunikace   výzkum  

Towards a Radical Constructivist Understanding of Science

Constructivism is the idea that we construct our own world rather than it being determined by an outside reality. Its most consistent form, Radical Constructivism (RC), claims that we cannot transcend our experiences. Thus it doesn’t make sense to say that our constructions gradually approach the structure of an external ...

by Riegler, Alexander | 15 zář 2014, 12:56

A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge

Philosophy being nothing else but the study of wisdom and truth, it may with reason be expected that those who have spent most time and pains in it should enjoy a greater calm and serenity of mind, a greater clearness and evidence of knowledge, and be less disturbed with doubts ...

by Berkeley, George | 11 říj 2022, 12:38

Téma víry v psychoterapii

Příspěvek klade otázku, zda je psychoterapie, popřípadě psychologie jako jeden z jejích zdrojů, schopna přispět klientům v otázkách jejich světonázorové víry. Odpovídá, že takové přispění je možné tam, kde vyznávaná víra nebo osobní rozpaky, poruchové příznaky či zakoušené utrpení v souvislosti s ní jsou provázeny nebo působeny psychologickými motivy či ...

| http://www.pvsps.cz/

by Balcar, Karel | 28 čvc 2017, 10:50 | vyznání   návody  

The Use of Metaphors in Psychotherapy

Metaphors are used in everyday language and play a role in the therapeutic domain. "This paper: 1) Examines the linguistic structure of metaphors for its therapeutic relevance. 2) Introduces the concept and use of metaphoric kernel statements. 3) Describes strategic and tactical applications of metaphor in guided metaphoric: imagery work, ...

| The Use of Metaphors in Psychotherapy

by Witztum, Eliezer ; Hart, Onno van der ; Friedmann, Barbara | 2 čvc 2015, 11:36 | metafory