Chaos and critical theory

In general, chaos theory is considered to refer to the economy betweenorder and chance, determinism and unpredictability, clarity and aporia.However, from an epistemological and a critical point of view, it mightbe interesting to assess the local and global perspectives rooted intothe interdisciplinary body of chaos theory. Such an assessment is ...

by Boudourides, Moses A. | 10 zář 2014, 8:15

Co zbylo z Freuda: Zakladatel psychoanalýzy a současná medicína

Jméno Sigmunda Freuda patří k nejčastěji citovaným v souvislosti s pozoruhodnými proměnami moderního myšlení, které mají své zdroje ve střední Evropě na přelomu 19. a 20. století.

by Höschl, Cyril | 24 led 2015, 12:45 | historie   psychoanalýza  

Co-Constructing Cooperation with Mandated Clients

Dominant practice models for social work were originally developed and intended for work with voluntary clients. The professional literature indicates that use of these models with involuntary clients often alienates rather than engages. This article describes the use of solution-focused interviewing as a way to engage involuntary and mandated clients. ...

KN82 | Oxford Journals

by Berg, Insoo Kim ; De Jong, Peter | 15 čvc 2015, 12:26 | zapojení   cílové osoby   terapie nařízená   připojení   SF   přepis rozhovoru   kazuistika  

The common project

Asking the common-project question is far from simple. You may experience the question as making a promise to the client that the conversation will be helpful and that things will be different, which are promises no wise therapist would ever give. The biggest difficulty though is: What do I do ...

KN85 | The common project

by Korman, Harry | 1 kvě 2014, 15:45

On Constructing a Reality

I am sure you remember the plain citizen Jourdain in Moliere’s Bourgeois Gentilhomme who, nouveau riche, travels in the sophisticated circles of the French aristocracy, and who is eager to learn. On one occasion with his new friends they speak about poetry and prose, and Jourdain discovers to his amazement ...


by Foerster, Heinz von | 15 čvc 2015, 10:37

On constructivism

Certainly we are all aware of the bleak report card that our nation's schools have received from various educational research organizations. In comparison to school children from other countries, American children lag far behind in achievements tests, especially those in the math and science areas (Raizen and Michelsohn, 1994). ...

by Hanley, Susan | 11 zář 2014, 14:26

Constructivism and Collaborative Enterprises

This paper is a contribution to a dialogue on contructivist ideas in qualitative research in which collaborative inquiry is a central feature. By this I mean a process of finding out how both 'researchers' and 'subjects' have come to conceive an issue through sharing of their perceptions. Collaborative or participatory ...

by Steward. Alan | 16 zář 2014, 9:23

Vygotsky’s philosophy: Constructivism and its criticisms examined

Criticisms have recently been voiced of constructivism, the leading metaphor of human learning since the 1970s. Inspired by inconsistencies in interpretations of constructivism in current literature, we examine the underlying epistemological beliefs of popular constructivist theories and their criticisms. We find that popular constructivist claims and criticisms, instead of being ...

by Matthews, Robert ; Liu, Charlotte Hua | 27 lis 2016, 16:55 | konstruktivismus   dialektika   poznání  

Constructivism as an `energiser for thinking'!

This paper aims to re-examine recent criticism on radical constructivism as an inadequate research framework for discussing learning and teaching. A number of questions are raised in an attempt to focus attention not on the theory itself but on what the theory may imply for the learner's rights. Finally it ...

by Chronaki, Anna | 11 zář 2014, 14:51

Constructivism, Cybernetics, and Information Processing: Implications for Technologies of Research on Learning

Constructivism, as a philosophical orientation, has only been widely accepted in mathematics and science education since the early 1980s. As it became more broadly accepted, it also became clear that there were incongruous images of it. In 1984, von Glasersfeld introduced a distinction, echoed in Steier's chapter 5, between what ...

by Thompson, Patrick W. | 16 zář 2014, 9:37