The Double Bind Theory: Still Crazy-Making After All These Years

With fifty years having passed since Gregory Bateson and his colleagues published their famous paper, ‘Towards a Theory of Schizophrenia’ , it is an opportune time to review the theory and its clinical relevance today. Bateson’s team began with an interest in how the identity and functioning ...

| The Double Bind Theory

by Gibney, Paul | 14 Jul 2015, 8:54 | dvojná vazba   klasika   kritická úvaha  

Reimagining psychotherapy: An interview with Hillary and Bradford Keeney

Many would say that the field of psychotherapy has lost its way, and has slipped into a lifeless space of mediocrity with an emphasis on interpretation, where therapists are more concerned with models of change than the mysteries of change itself. The field has witnessed the rise and demise of ...

by Gibney, Paul | 11 Sep 2014, 13:59

Teorie dvojné vazby: po všech těl letech stále přivádí k šílenství (crazy - making)

Je to padesát let, co uplynulo od doby, kdy Gregory Bateson a jeho kolegové publikovali svou slavnou práci „K teorii schizofrenie“. Nyní je vhodný čas k tomu, aby se tato teorie a její klinické relevance přezkoumaly. Batesonův tým se začal zajímat o to, jak funguje (udržuje se) identita a seberegulační ...

by Gibney, Paul | 8 Apr 2014, 15:00 | 1 review | dvojná vazba   klasika   kritická úvaha  

Author: Gibney, Paul