Articles / zlatý fond

The Double Bind Theory: Still Crazy-Making After All These Years / Gibney, Paul

With fifty years having passed since Gregory Bateson and his colleagues published their famous paper, ‘Towards a Theory of Schizophrenia’ , it is an opportune time to review the theory and its clinical relevance today. Bateson’s team began with an interest in how the identity and functioning of self regulating systems was maintained through mechanisms of information, control and feedback. This work foreshadowed and gave momentum to the development of family therapy, with several members of the original research group later forming the initial schools of family therapy.

Viz též: The Double Bind Theory; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles, Highly Recommended

Articles / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Reimagining psychotherapy: An interview with Hillary and Bradford Keeney / Gibney, Paul

Many would say that the field of psychotherapy has lost its way, and has slipped into a lifeless space of mediocrity with an emphasis on interpretation, where therapists are more concerned with models of change than the mysteries of change itself. The field has witnessed the rise and demise of one model (and its associated gurus), after another. Through their collaboration, BRADFORD KEENEY, one of the great thinkers of family therapy, and HILLARY KEENEY, a scholar of cybernetics and creative transformation, offer a wake up call to therapists to reinvent their practice, and recognise that models dumb them down and prevent them from finding their own gifts and talents. PAUL GIBNEY talks with the Keeneys about their desire to help therapists return to what has been all but lost in the field of psychotherapy—an emphasis on psychotherapy as a performing art. They suggest the field is so attached to narrative and interpretation that it has removed itself from the heartbeat of life. They point to a regard for absurdity as one of the ultimate expressions of empathy, call for an end to interpretation, and encourage therapists to jump into the stream of interactivity and embrace the creativity that makes a session feel alive. A discussion of cybernetics and its central metaphor of circularity, helps to clarify the misunderstandings of this crucial component of the processes of change. Gibney concludes with the suggestion that psychotherapy as a performing art, informed and enlivened by helpful doses of heart-inspired interaction and absurdity, just might be the frame of psychotherapy’s next evolutionary space.

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles

Translations / zlatý fond

Teorie dvojné vazby: po všech těl letech stále přivádí k šílenství (crazy - making) / Gibney, Paul

Originální název: The Double Bind Theory: Still Crazy-Making After All These Years

In: The Double Bind Theory: Still Crazy-Making After All These Years
Hostitelský dokument

Je to padesát let, co uplynulo od doby, kdy Gregory Bateson a jeho kolegové publikovali svou slavnou práci „K teorii schizofrenie“. Nyní je vhodný čas k tomu, aby se tato teorie a její klinické relevance přezkoumaly. Batesonův tým se začal zajímat o to, jak funguje (udržuje se) identita a seberegulační systémy v závislosti na informačních mechanismech, kontrole a zpětné vazbě. Tato práce předznamenala a dala impulz k rozvoji rodinné terapie, několik členů původní výzkumné skupiny později založilo výchozí školy rodinné terapie. Bateson s Haleyem, Weaklandem a Jacksonem vytvořili komplexní pohled na vzájemnou komplementaritu rodinného života a jeho eskalace.

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Person: Gibney, Paul

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