Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Systems Theories: Their Origins, Foundations, and Development / Laszlo, Alexander -- Krippner, Stanley

In: Systems Theories and A Priori Aspects of Perception. J.S. Jordan (Ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. - s. 47-74. - 1998

The relationship between systems theory and the study of perception is one of critical im- portance to our understanding of the changing nature of human cognitive maps at the dawn of the 21st century. The conceptual frameworks that embed our perceptions and their interpretations, and condition the depth of our awareness and its rise to consciousness, are shifting drastically as the nature of human relations transforms. Disciplinary efforts to interpret the meaning and sig- nificance of social change run the gamut of deconstructionist post-modern exposition, ranging from predictive/empirical, to cultural/interpretative to critical/post-structural epistemological stances. In areas of human endeavor concerned with valuing and assessing human achievement, the result has been a multiplicity of possible interpretive frameworks and a concomitant frag- mentation of disciplinary worldviews. On the one hand, the natural sciences are moving toward theoretical syntheses through the construction of grand unified theories in physics and similar embracing theoretical frameworks in other realms of inquiry. On the other, the social sciences seem to manifest a countervailing trend toward relativistic positions on issues of cognitive evo- lution. This is compounded by a corresponding reticence for the postulation of generally appli- cable normative viewpoints on behavioral and attitudinal orientations that serve to meet the mounting challenges of uncertainty in our rapidly changing world.

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Systemický přístup a sebereflexe v práci učitele - skepse nebo naděje? / Lazarová, Bohumíra

Přemítání o věcech, jevech a lidech kolem nás a nakonec i o sobě sama - tedy o tom jak uvažujeme, co prožíváme a jak se chováme - může být pro mnohé procesem značně nesnadným. Nebývá jednoduché odpovědět na otázky, které se během vlastních úvah vynořují: Vidím skutečnost objektivně? Je to opravdu tak? Popisuji věci správně? Neubližuji někomu svým rozhodnutím, které jsem učinil(a) na podkladě vlastního chápání reality? Nenalézáme-li odpovědi na podobné otázky, snažíme se alespoň najít pevnou půdu, na které lze ukotvit věčnost našeho nevědění a hledání. Jednou z možností, která se pro tento účel nejen učiteli nabízí, je jeho orientace v základech systemického myšlení.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Self-Organizing Systems (SOS) / Lucas, Chris

The scientific study of self-organizing systems is relatively new, although questions about how organization arises have of course been raised since ancient times. The forms we identify around us are only a small sub-set of those theoretically possible. So why don't we see more variety ? To answer to such a question is the reason why we study self-organization.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Paradigm Change in Systems Theory / Luhmann, Niklas

In: Social Systems. Stanford: Stanford University Press. - s. 1-11. - 1995

Today "systems theory" is a catchall concept for very different denotations and very different levels of analysis. The word refers to no unambiguous meaning. When one introduces the concept of system into sociological analyses without further clarification, then an illusory precision arises that lacks any basis. Thus controversies arise in which one can only suppose or infer from the argumentation that the participants have different ideas in mind when they speak of systems.

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

The Autopoiesis of Social Systems: Meaning and Life as Different Modes of Autopoietic Organization / Luhmann, Niklas

In: F. Geyer and J. van der Zouwen (eds.), Sociocybernetic Paradoxes, Sage, London. - - 1986

The term 'autopoiesis' has been invented to define life its origin is clearly biological. Its extension to other fields has been discussed, but rather unsuccessfully and on the wrong premises. The problem may well be that we use a questionable approach to the issue, 'tangling' our 'hierarchies' of investigation.

Hesla: autopoiesa

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Autopoiesis, Structural Coupling and Cognition: A history of these and other notions in the biology of cognition / Maturana, Humberto

In: Cybernetics & Human Knowing. - č. 3-4, s. 5-34. - 2002

My intent in this essay is to reflect on the history of some biological notions such as autopoiesis, structural coupling, and cognition, that I have developed since the early 1960's as a result of my work on visual perception and the organization of the living. No doubt I shall repeat things that I have said in other publications (Maturana & Varela, 1980, 1988), and I shall present notions"that once they are said appear as obvious truisms. Moreover, I shall refine or expand the meaning of such notions, or even modify them. Yet, in any case, the reader is not invited to attend to the truisms, or to what seems to be obvious, rather he or she is invited to attend to the consequences that those notions entail for the understanding of cognition as a biological process. After all, explanations or demonstrations always become self evident once they are understood and accepted, and the purpose of this essay is the expansion of understanding in all dimensions of human existence.

Hesla: autopoiesa

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články, Zlatý fond

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Biology of Language: The Epistemology of Reality / Maturana, Humberto

In: Miller, George A., and Elizabeth Lenneberg (Eds.) Psychology and Biology of Language and Thought: Essays in Honor of Eric Lenneberg New York: Academic Press. - s. 27-63. - 1978

I am not a linguist, I am a biologist. Therefore, I shall speak about language as a biologist, and address myself to two basic biological questions, namely: 1. What processes must take place in an organism for it to establish a linguistic domain with another organism? 2. What processes take place in a linguistic interaction that permit an organism (us) to describe and to predict events that it may experience?

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Metadesign / Maturana, Humberto

In: Instituto de Terapia Cognitiva. - - 1998

The answers to these two questions would have been obvious years ago: Human beings, of course, machines are instruments of human design! But now days when we speak so much of progress, science and technology as if progress, science and technology were in themselves values to be venerated, there are many people that think that machines as they become more and more complex and intelligent through human design, may in fact become alive so that they may supplant us as a natural outcome of that very venerated progress and expansion of intelligence. Also many people seems to think that evolution is changing its nature so that technology is becoming the guiding force in the flow of the cosmic change in relation to us. I do not hold this view. I do not look at progress, science or technology as if they were values in themselves, nor do I think that biological or cosmic evolution is changing its nature or character. I think that the question that we human beings must face is that of what do we want to happen to us, not a question of knowledge or progress. The question that we must face is not about the relation of biology with technology, or about the relation between art and technology, nor about the relation between knowledge and reality, nor even about whether or not metadesign shapes our brains. I think that the question that we must face at this moment of our history is about our desires and about whether we want or not to be responsible of our desires.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Ontology of Observing / Maturana, Humberto

In: Texts in Cybernetics, American Society For Cibernetics Conference, Felton, CA. 18-23 October, 1988. - - 1998

My purpose in this essay is to explain cognition as a biological phenomenon, and to show, in the process, how language arises and gives origin to self consciousness, revealing the ontological foundations of the physical domain of existence as a limiting cognitive domain. In order to do this I shall start from two unavoidable experiential conditions that are at the same time my problems and my explanatory instruments, namely: a), that cognition, as is apparent in the fact that any alteration of the biology of our nervous system alters our cognitive capacities, is a biological phenomenon that must be explained as such; and b), that we, as is apparent in this very same essay, exist as human beings in laguage using language for our explanations. These two experiential conditions are my starting point because I must be in them in any explanatory attempt; they are my problems because I choose to explain them, and they are my unavoidable instruments because I must use cognition and language in order to explain cognition and language.

Viz též: Ontology of Observing

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

The Biological Foundations of Virtual Realities and Their Implications for Human Existence / Maturana, Humberto

To consider the implications of the operation of the nervous sys- tem – and of the constitution of cultures as closed networks of languaging and emotioning – for how we understand and generate so-called “virtual realities.”

Viz též: The Biological Foundations of Virtual Realities and Their Implications for Human Existence

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články