Články / překlady

Cyklus zranitelnosti: práce se slepými uličkami v párové terapii / Scheinkman, Michele -- DeKoven Fishbane, Mona

Originální název: The Vulnerability Cycle: Working With Impasses in Couple Therapy

In: Fam. Proc.. - Roč. 43, s. 279-299. - 2004

V tomto článku navrhujeme používat cyklus zranitelnosti jako základ pro porozumění a práci se slepými uličkami u partnerů. Rozšiřujeme interaktivní koncept vzorců vzájemného partnerského chování a přidáváme behaviorální a subjektivní rozměry a popisujeme specifické procesy, které spouštějí a udržují partnerská nedorozumění. Uvažujeme o cyklu zranitelnosti jako o vztahu, ve kterém "zranitelná místa" a "pozice přežití" jsou klíčovými myšlenkami, které spojují interakční, sociálně-kulturní, intrapsychycké a mezigenerační roviny významu a procesu. Diagram cyklu zranitelnosti je prezentován jako nástroj pro organizaci informací. Navrhujeme terapeutický přístup pro rozbourání partnerských slepých uliček a zavedení nových vzorců chování promyšleným dotazováním, technikou “freeze – frame”, stimulací vyrovnanosti a reflexe, oddělením současnosti od minulosti a odvozením alternativních významů, chování, empatie, a možnosti výběru. Tento přístup povzbuzuje terapeuta a pár ke spolupráci při prosazování změn a pružnosti.

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Gregory Bateson, cybernetics, and the social/behavioral sciences / Bale, Lawrence, S.

In: Cybernetics & Human Knowing. - Roč. 3, č. 1, s. 27-45. - 1995

Gregory Bateson's interdisciplinary work in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology was profoundly influenced by the ideas set forth in systems theory, communication theory, information theory and cybernetics. As is now quite common, Bateson used the single term cybernetics in reference to an aggregate of these ideas that grew together shortly after World War II. For him, cybernetics, or communication theory, or information theory, or systems theory, together constituted a unified set of ideas, and he was among the first to appreciate the fact that the patterns of organization and relational symmetry evident in all living systems are indicative of mind.

Viz též: Gregory Bateson, cybernetics, and the social/behavioral sciences

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Gregory Bateson's Theory of Mind: Practical Applications to Pedagogy / Bale, Lawrence, S.

Gregory Bateson was one of the first scholars to appreciate that the patterns of organization and relational symmetry evident in all living systems are indicative of mind. We should not forget that due to the nineteenth century polemic between science and religion, any consideration of purpose and plan, e.g., mental process, had been a priori excluded from science as non-empirical, or immeasurable. Any reference to mind as an explanatory or causal principle had been banned from biology. Even in the social and behavioral sciences, references to mind remained suspect.

Viz též: Gregory Bateson's Theory of Mind: Practical Applications to Pedagogy

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Six days of dying / Bateson, Mary Catherine

In: Six days of dying,”' CoEvolution Quarterly. - č. Winter, - 1980

Mary Catherine Bateson tells very movingly the story of Gregory's death and the days before and after.

Viz též: Six days of dying

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Making Numbers Talk: Language in Therapy / Berg, Insoo Kim -- De Shazer, Steve

In: Steven Friedman (Hg .): The New language of change. Constructive collaboration in psychotherapy. New York: Guilford Press. - s. 5-25. - 1993

The metaphor of therapy as conversation is simultaneously useful and dangerously misleading. The danger lies in what is probably an inevitable vowel shift from a to i, that is, from “therapy as conversation”to “therapy is conversation.”The vowel shift marks a transformation from metaphor to metaphor disguised as concept.

Hesla: jazyk

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

The Meaning of General System Theory: The Quest for a General System Theory / Bertalanffy, Ludwig von

In: Bertalanffy, Ludwig von: General System Theory. Foundations, Development, Applications. New York: George Braziller. - s. 30-53. - 1968

Modern science is characterized by its ever-increasing specialization, necessitated by the enormous amount of data, the complexity of techniques and of theoretical structures within every field. Thus science is split into innumerable disciplines continually generating new subdisciplines. In consequence, the physicist, the biologist, the psychologist and the social scientist are, so to speak, encapsulated in their private universes, and it is difficult to get word from one cocoon to the other.

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Systemic family therapy and the influence of post-modernism / Boston, Paula

In: Advances in Psychiatric Treatment. - č. 6, s. 450-457. - 2000

Post-modernism is a term that is omnipresent in the media, academic circles and contemporary culture. It is also a term that has caused substantial consternation among systemic family therapists. Systemic family therapy traces its origins from the 1950s, and there are currently several different models contained within the systemic paradigm. A unifying feature of systemic therapy is the importance placed on understanding psychological difficulties in the context of social relationships. Another point of agreement among systemic therapists is the significance of drawing distinctions and marking ‘difference’ as an aspect of creating change. A third common feature is the practice of working in teams, where one therapist conducts the interview, while a small number of others comment on their observations. The degree to which these models and practices have been influenced by post-modernism varies.

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Chaos and critical theory / Boudourides, Moses A.

In: Einstein meets Magritte Conference, Brussels. - - 1995

In general, chaos theory is considered to refer to the economy betweenorder and chance, determinism and unpredictability, clarity and aporia.However, from an epistemological and a critical point of view, it mightbe interesting to assess the local and global perspectives rooted intothe interdisciplinary body of chaos theory. Such an assessment is meaningfulnot only in understanding the various claims about the validity of chaosin different scientific fields, but also in clarifying the cultural andpolitical context of chaos theory. The latter is what Hayles in the ChaosBound (1990) calls the "politics of chaos."

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

External Factors Forcing Change on Education: How can they work for us? / Brown, George Jr.

In: National Foundation Conference on Science and Math education. - - 1994

I am very pleased with the opportunity to make some remarks at this second National Conference on Science and Mathematics Education Reform. Every participant here this morning is committed to change; each of you understands the need for systemic reform; and each of you has a genuine desire to help America and its children grow in intellectual achievement. I can only admi re your efforts and urge you to persevere with your difficult task. Despite my disadvantage in knowing a lot less about education than anyone in this room, I hope that I can offer some small contribution to your deliberations.

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Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Getting personal on reflecting teams / Cole, Patricia M. -- Shatz, Karen -- Sapoznik, Marcia -- Demeritt, Lisa A.

In: Journal of Systemic Therapies. - Roč. 20, č. 2, s. 74-87. - 2001

Reflecting teams remain a creative way of bending the tradition of a therapy team hidden behind a one way mirror. Several therapists have adapted the original reflecting team concept to fit with a more narrative tradition, particularly that of encouraging reflecting team members to talk about their personal experiences. This concept will be illustrated through a case example with the therapist, team members, and supervisor sharing their different perspectives. The discussion concludes with specific guidelines to help ensure the effectiveness of reflecting team self disclosure.

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