Studijní materiály/autorské práce / citováno studenty KN111

Crafting the "Tap on the Shoulder": A Compliment template for Solution-Focused Therapy / Berg, Insoo Kim

Based upon their experience working in a community mental-health clinic using solution-focused brief therapy, the authors describe a template for developing compliments. With most people, the family is a central part of their social system and therefore key to solution building. The authors have found the template particularly helpful in promoting solution building within the family system and therefore a very useful component in family therapy.

Hesla: kazuistika ; návody ; přepis rozhovoru ; SF ; struktura rozhovoru

Viz též: PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Studijní materiály/autorské práce, Kazuistiky

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