Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Constructivist learning theory to web-based course design:
 An instructional design approach / Daley, Barbara J. -- Conceição-Runlee, Simone

With the advent of web-based courses and distance education technology, it is necessary to carefully consider how the use of this technology fosters the learning intended in adult education programs. In this paper, we have outlined constructivist learning theory as an approach to fostering web-based course development. A constructivist approach allows both learners and facilitators to take advantage of the World Wide Web, because the theory focuses on making connections and making meaning in the learning process. Web-based courses that are designed with a constructivist approach encourage the learners to navigate, create, and construct their unique knowledge base.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


Don't think, but observe: What is the importance of the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein for solution-focused brief therapy? / De Shazer, Steve

Understandably, I have often been asked about my interest in and frequent citation of Wittgensteinˇs work in both my writing and my training seminars.

Hesla: SF ; solution focused

Viz též: PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Self-Organizing Systems / Decker, Ethan H.

One of the questions guiding subsets of physics, chemistry and biology research is Where does order come from? Following the general laws of thermodynamics it would seem that dynamic processes would find the path of least energy until the system found a low spot, a dead calm, and remained at equilibrium there until some obvious perturbation moved it from its complacency. For example, a pot of steaming sugar water will give off matter (water vapor) and energy (heat) until it reaches equilibrium with its environment. Cooling, evaporation and crystallization, governed by simple physical and chemical laws, will drive the system to a point of least energy, and we should find rock candy in the bottom of a dry pot.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur ambulanten systemischen Gruppentherapie / Dithmer, Alexandra -- Deetz, Ulrike


In: Systhema. - Roč. 1/200, s. 6.

Während unserer gemeinsamen Ausbildung in systemischer Familientherapie am Institut für Familientherapie Weinheim stellten wir fest, dass zwar die Ausbildung häufig in Gruppen stattfindet, bisher jedoch praktisch keine Veröffentlichung über systemische Gruppentherapie vorlag. So entstand während einer  Livesupervision 1996 in Gießen der Wunsch, gemeinsam eine ambulante systemische Gruppentherapie durchzuführen und darüber die Abschlussarbeit zu schreiben.

Hesla: skupinová terapie ; systémový přístup

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


The Fox and the Hedgahog / Doherty, William


After 45 years of doing therapy, I know one thing for sure, and that’s that I don’t know much for sure.

Hesla: reflektování

Viz též: Psychotherapy Networker

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


Mind the gap: the need for a generic bridge between psychoanalytic and systemic approaches / Donovan, Mary Ellen

In: Journal of Family Therapy. - Roč. 25, č. 2, s. 115-135. - 2003

The context for this paper is the ongoing systemic/psychoanalytic debate. It offers an alternative perspective to the recent contribution by Brodie and Wright (2002), in which they are concerned to underscore difference between the two therapeutic approaches. Here it is argued that the relationship is a great deal more complex than Brodie and Wright’s analysis might suggest. Attention is focused on significant areas of commonality, in particular the impact of social constructionist thinking across the two therapies as well as current developments in technique. A case is made for the consolidation of generic space where there is opportunity for cross-fertilization and for integrative and combined systemic/psychoanalytic approaches to be nurtured and developed where appropriate. Case vignettes are used to highlight different aspects of the generic component in child and family therapy and to underline the need for bridge-building between these key therapeutic approaches in the field.

Hesla: integrativní pokus ; kazuistika ; konstrukcionismus ; kritická úvaha ; psychoanalýza ; teorie

Viz též: Wiley Online Library; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články, Kazuistiky


Faces of Constructivism / Dougiamas, Martin

In this section I'll describe the major "faces of constructivism" separately, because it is more helpful for me to write about them in that way, and hopefully for you to read about them, although perhaps both will be in a non-linear fashion.

Viz též: Dougiamas; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Against Realist Instruction: Superficial Success Masking Catastrophic Failure and an Alternative / Dykstra, Dewey I. Jr.

In: Constructivist Foundations. - Roč. 1, č. 1, s. 49-60. - 2005

In Radical Constructivism (RC) (Glasersfeld 1991) we judge our understanding by what can be accomplished using that understand- ing. Realists do not understand the notion that RC is not about “truth,” but about fit to experience. In this article, we look at evidence in educational settings. While the evidence will be mostly from physics education, what is being described is not unique to the results of physics instruction. Education as we know it today is based in realism. How do the results of this education as we know it compare with results of education based in RC?

Hesla: vyučování

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


The Story of Dory the Cat / Epston, David

In: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. - Roč. 9, č. 3, s. 172-173. - 1988

I introduce the following story into families where young people, for any number of reasons, are experiencing difficulties belonging, and their parents/caretakers, for any number of reasons, are experiencing difficulties belonging them. The Browns1 were one such family. Mark, now in his late 40's, had separated from his wife when his only child, Ellen, was three.

Hesla: narativní přístup ; připojení

Viz též: The story of Dory the cat; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Social constructivism as a philosophy of mathematics:
radical constructivism rehabilitated? / Ernest, Paul

In: Science & Education. - č. 2, s. 49-60. - 1993

Epistemological issues, although controversial, are central to teaching and learning and have long been a theme of PME. A central epistemological issue is that of the philosophy of mathematics. It is argued that the traditional absolutist philosophies need to be replaced by a conceptual change view of mathematics. Building on the principles of radical constructivism together with the assumption of the existence of the physical and social worlds, a social constructivist philosophy of mathematics is proposed. This suggests an explanation of both the apparent objectivity and the utility of mathematics. A consequence is that the criticism that radical constructivism is necessarily solipsistic is overcome.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články