
Systemic Thinking in Couple and Family Psychology Research and Practice / Stanton, Mark -- Welsh, Robert

In: Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. - č. 1, s. 14-30. - 2012

Systemic thinking is central to the specialty of couple and family psychology (CFP). Eleven applications of systemic thinking (perceptual and cognitive structuring processes) are described to characterize the way couple and family psychologists think about research and practice. The application of systemic thinking to research is described in light of dynamic systems conceptualization and a systemic research approach that delineates six steps that identify collective variables, characterize attractor states, describe dynamic trajectories, identify points of transition, recognize control parameters, and manipulate control param- eters to identify core mechanisms of change is rehearsed and detailed.

Hesla: rodinná terapie ; výzkum

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles


Leeds Systemic Family Therapy Manual / Stratton, Peter -- Cottrell, David -- Shapiro, David

Leeds, UK: Leeds Family Therapy & Research Centre, School of Psychology, University of Leeds, 2000.

The manual is principally designed as a research tool for outcome studies in which the effectiveness of systemic therapy can be assessed. It therefore aims to offer a framework and guidelines for the implementation of systemic family therapy, so that therapists can offer a unified version of therapy, with some flexibility to express their own creativity.

Hesla: efektivita ; návody ; výzkum

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles