
Life, the Multiverse and Everything: An Introduction to the Ideas of Humberto Maturana / Kenny, Vincent

Based upon their experience working in a community mental-health clinic using solution-focused brief therapy, the authors describe a template for developing compliments. With most people, the family is a central part of their social system and therefore key to solution building. The authors have found the template particularly helpful in promoting solution building within the family system and therefore a very useful component in family therapy.Revised version of an Invited paper presented at the Istituto di Psicologia, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Viz též: Oikos

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles


The Economy of Discourses: a third order cybernetics? / Kenny, Vincent -- Boxer, Philip

This paper introduces the idea of, and necessity for, a 'third-order cybernetics'. It does this through the critique and problematisation of the ontology of the observer as elaborated within a second-order cybernetics. The necessity for this third-order is directly generated from our work as strategy consultants and our needs to evolve an effective, coherent and ethical consultancy practice.

Viz též: Ecology of Mind

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles

Articles / studijní materiály/autorské práce

On the subject of Autopoiesis and it's Boundaries / Kenny, Vincent

Two arguments are unfolded against the viability and advisability of applying the notion of autopoiesis to third-order systems. The first argument comes from the domain of psychotherapeutic praxis and elaborates a critique of 'boundary' and 'family' as third-order phenomena. The second argument , coming from the domain of ethics, uses the paramount individuality of personal consciousness to demonstrate that any third-order human system configured on the metaphor of autopoiesis would necessarily be oppressive, inhuman, and parasocial.

Hesla: kritická úvaha ; radikální konstruktivismus

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles


Východiska radikálního konstruktivismu / Kenny, Vincent

Postulát radikálního konstruktivismu: nervový systém je organizačně uzavřený.

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Reports

Articles / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Distinguishing Ernst von Glasersfeld’s “Radical Constructivism” from Humberto Maturana’s “Radical Realism” / Kenny, Vincent

Ernst von Glasersfeld has dedicated a lot of effort to trying to define just where his views and those of his friend Humberto Maturana part company, epistemologically speaking (Glasersfeld 1991, 2001).As a contribution to unravelling this puzzle I propose in this article to delineate just where they seem to differ most and why these differences arise.

Hesla: kritická úvaha ; radikální konstruktivismus

Viz též: Oikos

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles, Highly Recommended

Articles / studijní materiály/autorské práce

The Implementation of a Constructivist Approach to the Resolution of Prejudice / Gash, Hugh -- Kenny, Vincent

In: A talk based on an earlier version of this paper was given at the American Society for Cybernetics conference at Amherst Massachusetts on July 19 1991. - - 1991

Using a consistently constructivist approach, the formation of prejudices, their role in identity, and their resultant resilience are examined. Next, the strategies which may be used to persuade people to change such constructs are considered. For the person who owns the prejudice these amount to experiences which invite reconsideration of existing ways of construing: for one who desires to invite another to change, these strategies include distancing, circular questioning, circulation, parenthesising and orthogonality of facilitator position.

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Articles

Reports / zlatý fond

Implikace Maturanovy psychoterapeutické teorie / Kenny, Vincent

- 1985

Jedním z velkých zájmů psychoterapie je, jak vytvořit dostatečný prostor pro kreativní využívání experimentálních zkoumání v oblasti terapeutického rozhovoru, tak aby bylo možné klientovi spontánně předávat novou zkušenost, která je neslučitelná s rámcem jeho problému. Z Maturanovy teorie můžeme abstrahovat tři velmi nadějné konstrukty, které terapeutovi umožňují dě at právě toto. Abstrahování těchto konstruktů z jeho teorie je snadné, ale jejich implementace nikoliv, proto mnoho terapeutů potřebuje průběžnou supervizi nad svými rozhovory s klienty aby bylo dosaženo efektu tvorby prostoru pro „novost".a

Viz též: Oikos

V kolekcích: Books, Articles & Reports > Reports, Highly Recommended

Person: Kenny, Vincent

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