Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Cats Under the Stars: A Narrative Story / Zimmerman, Jeffrey -- Beaudoin, Marie-Nathalie

In: Child and Adolescent Mental Health. - Roč. 7, č. 1, s. 31-40. - 2002

This paper provides an introduction to Narrative Therapy. This post-structural approach represents a movement away from the dominant therapeutic approaches that privilege psychological or biological theories over the client's experience of problems. Distinctions are made between narrative ideas and traditional psychosocial points of view in the areas of what a problem is, how change occurs, and about notions of the self. Narrative ideas and practices are illustrated by presenting work done with a problem affecting a young man in a school setting. Narrative work involves experience and meaning; the paper is organised to provide this for the reader.

Hesla: narativní přístup

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Chaos and critical theory / Boudourides, Moses A.

In: Einstein meets Magritte Conference, Brussels. - - 1995

In general, chaos theory is considered to refer to the economy betweenorder and chance, determinism and unpredictability, clarity and aporia.However, from an epistemological and a critical point of view, it mightbe interesting to assess the local and global perspectives rooted intothe interdisciplinary body of chaos theory. Such an assessment is meaningfulnot only in understanding the various claims about the validity of chaosin different scientific fields, but also in clarifying the cultural andpolitical context of chaos theory. The latter is what Hayles in the ChaosBound (1990) calls the "politics of chaos."

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Co zbylo z Freuda: Zakladatel psychoanalýzy a současná medicína / Höschl, Cyril

In: Dějiny a současnost. - č. 4, - 2006

Jméno Sigmunda Freuda patří k nejčastěji citovaným v souvislosti s pozoruhodnými proměnami moderního myšlení, které mají své zdroje ve střední Evropě na přelomu 19. a 20. století.

Hesla: historie ; psychoanalýza

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / citováno studenty KN82

Co-Constructing Cooperation with Mandated Clients / Berg, Insoo Kim -- De Jong, Peter

In: Social Work. - Roč. 46, č. 4, s. 361-374. - 2001

Dominant practice models for social work were originally developed and intended for work with voluntary clients. The professional literature indicates that use of these models with involuntary clients often alienates rather than engages. This article describes the use of solution-focused interviewing as a way to engage involuntary and mandated clients. A conversation with a court-ordered client is presented and analyzed to demonstrate how practitioners can begin the co-construction of cooperation with mandated clients through adopting a not-knowing posture, focusing on and amplifying what clients want and client strengths and successes, and asking relationship questions to generate possibilities for change specific to the mandated context. The ethical implications of this noncoercive, nonconfrontational approach are addressed, along with its implications for a view of how clients change.

Hesla: cílové osoby ; kazuistika ; přepis rozhovoru ; připojení ; SF ; terapie nařízená ; zapojení

Viz též: Oxford Journals; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články, Kazuistiky

Články / citováno studenty KN85

The common project / Korman, Harry

Asking the common-project question is far from simple. You may experience the question as making a promise to the client that the conversation will be helpful and that things will be different, which are promises no wise therapist would ever give. The biggest difficulty though is: What do I do after I asked the question? How do I listen to – and what do I do with the client’s answer. The foundation for the common-project-question is a firm belief – or knowledge – that clients know what they want even if they don’t yet know that they know. Once that belief is firmly an- chored in the therapist the common-project-question becomes obvious and necessary. Until then – there is only hard work and self-discipline.

Viz též: The common project; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


On Constructing a Reality / Foerster, Heinz von

In: This is an abbreviated version of a lecture given at the opening of the fourth International Conference on Environmental Design Research on April 15, 1973, at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia. -

I am sure you remember the plain citizen Jourdain in Moliere’s Bourgeois Gentilhomme who, nouveau riche, travels in the sophisticated circles of the French aristocracy, and who is eager to learn. On one occasion with his new friends they speak about poetry and prose, and Jourdain discovers to his amazement and great delight that whenever he speaks, he speaks prose. He is overwhelmed by this discovery: “I am speaking Prose! I have always spoken Prose! I have spoken Prose throughout my whole life!”

Viz též: PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

On constructivism / Hanley, Susan

In: NSF Cooperative Agreement. - č. 9255745, - 1994

Certainly we are all aware of the bleak report card that our nation's schools have received from various educational research organizations. In comparison to school children from other countries, American children lag far behind in achievements tests, especially those in the math and science areas (Raizen and Michelsohn, 1994). Unfortunately, the situation is even worse than it appears. Studies show that even students who score well on standardized tests often are unable to successfully integrate or contrast memorized facts and formulae with real-life applications outside the school room (Yager, 1991). L.B. Resnick (1987) has commented that practical knowledge (common sense) and school knowledge are becoming mutually exclusive; many students see little connection between what they learn in the classroom with real life.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Constructivism and Collaborative Enterprises / Steward. Alan

In: Seized by Agreement, Swamped by Understanding. Lloyd Fell, David Russell & Alan Stewart (Eds.) A collection of papers to celebrate the visit to Australia in August 1994 by Humberto Maturana. - - 1994

This paper is a contribution to a dialogue on contructivist ideas in qualitative research in which collaborative inquiry is a central feature. By this I mean a process of finding out how both 'researchers' and 'subjects' have come to conceive an issue through sharing of their perceptions. Collaborative or participatory action research is an example of this approach. I propose that a constructivist methodology or epistemology for collaborative inquiry can be developed from primary theoretical concepts such as Structural Determinism of Maturana, second order cybernetics of von Foerster and van Glasersfeld and of Personal Construct Theory of Kelly. I further propose that secondary interpretations of these seminal ideas by family therapists helps to show how to use this epistemology in collaborative inquiry.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


Vygotsky’s philosophy: Constructivism and its criticisms examined / Matthews, Robert -- Liu, Charlotte Hua

In: International Education Journal. - Roč. 6, č. 3, s. 386-399. - 2005

Criticisms have recently been voiced of constructivism, the leading metaphor of human learning since the 1970s. Inspired by inconsistencies in interpretations of constructivism in current literature, we examine the underlying epistemological beliefs of popular constructivist theories and their criticisms. We find that popular constructivist claims and criticisms, instead of being based on contrasting philosophical ideas, are similarly grounded on the dualist separatism of the human mind and the external world. We then present our interpretation of Vygotsky’s historical-dialectical-monist philosophy, through discussions of Vygotskyan concepts including social environment of learning, the role of language, and individual consciousness. The paper concludes that confusions about Vygotsky’s theory often arise from concepts taken literally and from the lack of appreciation of the general philosophical orientation underpinning his works.

Hesla: dialektika ; konstruktivismus ; poznání

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Constructivism as an `energiser for thinking'! / Chronaki, Anna

This paper aims to re-examine recent criticism on radical constructivism as an inadequate research framework for discussing learning and teaching. A number of questions are raised in an attempt to focus attention not on the theory itself but on what the theory may imply for the learner's rights. Finally it is suggested that even though the theory cannot provide clear cut answers to issues related to learning as a contextualised practice in a social and political setting, it still challenges research theorising and contributes to an educational discourse.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články