Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Six days of dying / Bateson, Mary Catherine

In: Six days of dying,”' CoEvolution Quarterly. - č. Winter, - 1980

Mary Catherine Bateson tells very movingly the story of Gregory's death and the days before and after.

Viz též: Six days of dying

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


Narrative Therapy and Interpersonal Neurobiology: Revisiting classic practices, developing new emphases / Beaudoin, Marie-Nathalie -- Zimmerman, Jeffrey

Originální název: Narrative Therapy and Interpersonal Neurobiology: Revisiting Classic Practices, Developing New Emphases

In: Journal of Systemic Therapies. - Roč. 30, č. 1, s. 1-13.

his article reviews some of the recent advances in brain research and the grow- ing field of interpersonal neurobiology, which we believe supports a number of narrative therapy premises. Highlighted is the potential usefulness of thinking about unique outcomes as “moments” of “affect-infused” experiences. The concepts and theory proposed are illustrated by the description of three therapy sessions with a 28-year-old woman struggling with anxiety and depression, and a transcript of an intentionally “affect infused” re-authoring conversation.

Hesla: kazuistika ; narativní přístup ; neurovědy ; přepis rozhovoru ; trauma

Viz též: Guilford Press; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články, Kazuistiky


Some Historical Conditions of Narrative Work / Beels, Christian C.

In: Family Process. - Roč. 48, č. 3, s. 363-378. - 2009

Written to honor the immense contribution of Michael White as a leader in the de­velopment of narrative therapy, this historical essay contrasts the origins of psycho­analysis, family therapy and narrative therapy. Changes in the understanding of therapeutic strategies, methods of training and supervision, styles of leadership, the involvement of audiences in the therapeutic and training processes, and conceptions of the nature of the mind are described.

Hesla: historie ; narativní přístup

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / citováno studenty KN82

Co-Constructing Cooperation with Mandated Clients / Berg, Insoo Kim -- De Jong, Peter

In: Social Work. - Roč. 46, č. 4, s. 361-374. - 2001

Dominant practice models for social work were originally developed and intended for work with voluntary clients. The professional literature indicates that use of these models with involuntary clients often alienates rather than engages. This article describes the use of solution-focused interviewing as a way to engage involuntary and mandated clients. A conversation with a court-ordered client is presented and analyzed to demonstrate how practitioners can begin the co-construction of cooperation with mandated clients through adopting a not-knowing posture, focusing on and amplifying what clients want and client strengths and successes, and asking relationship questions to generate possibilities for change specific to the mandated context. The ethical implications of this noncoercive, nonconfrontational approach are addressed, along with its implications for a view of how clients change.

Hesla: cílové osoby ; kazuistika ; přepis rozhovoru ; připojení ; SF ; terapie nařízená ; zapojení

Viz též: Oxford Journals; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články, Kazuistiky

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Making Numbers Talk: Language in Therapy / Berg, Insoo Kim -- De Shazer, Steve

In: Steven Friedman (Hg .): The New language of change. Constructive collaboration in psychotherapy. New York: Guilford Press. - s. 5-25. - 1993

The metaphor of therapy as conversation is simultaneously useful and dangerously misleading. The danger lies in what is probably an inevitable vowel shift from a to i, that is, from “therapy as conversation”to “therapy is conversation.”The vowel shift marks a transformation from metaphor to metaphor disguised as concept.

Hesla: jazyk

Viz též: PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge / Berkeley, George

- 1710

Philosophy being nothing else but the study of wisdom and truth, it may with reason be expected that those who have spent most time and pains in it should enjoy a greater calm and serenity of mind, a greater clearness and evidence of knowledge, and be less disturbed with doubts and difficulties than other men. Yet so it is, we see the illiterate bulk of mankind that walk the high-road of plain common sense, and are governed by the dictates of nature, for the most part easy and undisturbed.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

The Meaning of General System Theory: The Quest for a General System Theory / Bertalanffy, Ludwig von

In: Bertalanffy, Ludwig von: General System Theory. Foundations, Development, Applications. New York: George Braziller. - s. 30-53. - 1968

Modern science is characterized by its ever-increasing specialization, necessitated by the enormous amount of data, the complexity of techniques and of theoretical structures within every field. Thus science is split into innumerable disciplines continually generating new subdisciplines. In consequence, the physicist, the biologist, the psychologist and the social scientist are, so to speak, encapsulated in their private universes, and it is difficult to get word from one cocoon to the other.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


Text nad context: narrative, postmodernism and cybernetics / Bertrando, Paolo

In: Journal of Family Therapy. - Roč. 22, č. 1, s. 83-103. - 2002

Currently, the systemic view in family therapy is being substituted by a postmodern narrative approach, while cybernetics tends to be considered an outdated perspective and its contribution to therapy overlooked.

Hesla: historie ; kritická úvaha ; kybernetika ; narativní přístup ; teorie

Viz též: Wiley Online Library; PŘEKLAD

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články


Postmoderní situace v dějepisectví: aneb Mysliti jako Třeštík / Blecha, Ivan

In: Acta Universitatis Palackieae Olomouciensis. - Roč. Philosophica V, s. 317-324. - 2002

Trvalo nějakou dobu, než jsem se dostal k tomu, abych si Třeštíkovu knížku přečetl. Připadl jsem na ni díky několika na sebe navazujícím ohlasům a citacím, na něž jsem porůznu narazil a které prozrazovaly, že úvahy, v této knížce obsažené, budou určitě kontroverzní. Nejsem historik, takže jsem jen pozvolna zaznamenával, že Dušan Třeštík již několik let vede úporné diskuse se svými kolegy a že je jakýmsi enfant terrible české historiografie posledního desetiletí. A už ze zmíněných odkazů bylo zřejmé, kde je hlavní třecí plocha: jsou jí Třeštíkovy postmoderní představy o roli dějepisectví a o ně opřená metodologie, kterou se řídí při své práci.

Hesla: kritika

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články

Články / studijní materiály/autorské práce

Systemic family therapy and the influence of post-modernism / Boston, Paula

In: Advances in Psychiatric Treatment. - č. 6, s. 450-457. - 2000

Post-modernism is a term that is omnipresent in the media, academic circles and contemporary culture. It is also a term that has caused substantial consternation among systemic family therapists. Systemic family therapy traces its origins from the 1950s, and there are currently several different models contained within the systemic paradigm. A unifying feature of systemic therapy is the importance placed on understanding psychological difficulties in the context of social relationships. Another point of agreement among systemic therapists is the significance of drawing distinctions and marking ‘difference’ as an aspect of creating change. A third common feature is the practice of working in teams, where one therapist conducts the interview, while a small number of others comment on their observations. The degree to which these models and practices have been influenced by post-modernism varies.

V kolekcích: Studijní podklady, články, knihy > Články