Pojmová stavba času

Dovolte mi na úvod říci, že prozatímní a spíše spekulativní nápady, které zde uvádím neslouží k tomu, aby zodpověděly otázku toho, co čas je v ontologickém smyslu. Jsem zaujat tím, jak přemýšlející mysl dokáže přijít na to, jak mít ...

by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 15 Apr 2015, 10:23 | kybernetika   poznání   klasika   čas  

Author: Glasersfeld, Ernst von

Ernst von Glasersfeld byl americký filosof a kybernetik, původem Rakušan, profesor psychologie, jeden ze zakladatelů radikálního konstruktivismu. Narodil se v německém Mnichově v rakouským rodičům, jeho otec byl diplomat Habsburské monarchie. Vyrůstal však v Severní Itálii (Merano) a Švýcarsku (Zuozu). Po skončení tamější internátní školy začal studovat matematiku v ...

Why People Dislike Radical Constructivism

Problem • Radical constructivism, although having a very successful base in research on mathematics and science education, has not become a generally accepted theory of knowledge. This paper discusses possible sources of aversion.

Why People Dislike Radical Constructivism

by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 23 Jan 2015, 20:13

The Constructivist View of Communication

Heinz von Foerster had a knack for statements that sounded paradoxical. In fact, they made a lot of sense when they were unpacked. At the very beginning of our joint recollections in “Wie wir uns erfinden”, a book we published together a few years ago, he said for example: “It’s ...

by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 23 Jan 2015, 20:00

Teleology and the Concepts of Causation

The term ‘teleology’ was coined by the philosopher Christian Wolff in his Latin treatise of 1728 and he defined it as indicating the part of natural philosophy that explains the ends, or purposes, of things. 1 It has been used to describe a prominent feature of the theological views of ...

by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 14 Jan 2015, 14:38

Knowledge as Environmental Fit

In the philosophical tradition of the Western World, it is held that knowledge forms a sharp contrast to belief, opinion, hypothesis, and illusion. What is called “knowledge,” is supposed to be not only unquestionable but also independent of the knowing subject. Knowledge, therefore, is considered much more than know-how. It ...

by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 14 Jan 2015, 9:51

Knowing without Metaphysics

Like any apparently novel approach to the basic epistemological problems of 'knowledge', the constructivist ideas that have spread in the last twenty years continue to generate a host of negative as well as a few positive reactions. I shall focus on some aspects of Radical Constructivism, as distinct from 'trivial' ...

by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 14 Jan 2015, 9:48

Homage to Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget was born in Neuchâtel in August 1896. Last year’s centenary of his birth was an occasion for celebration in many places of the Western world. The basic reason for this international attention was the unquestionable fact that Piaget was the founding father of a branch of psychology that ...


by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 14 Jan 2015, 9:29

Key Works in Radical Constructivism

Western philosophers have with few exceptions perpetuated the belief that true knowledge exists apart from the knower. Although they have been unable to show how it might enter the human head, they have staunchly condemned as ‘genetic fallacy’ any investigation of how the knower might generate it. The essays in ...

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by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 14 Jan 2015, 8:20 | kybernetika   poznání   klasika  

Cybernetics and the Art of Living

So let me start my talk by saying I sincerely hope that a knowledgeable scholar will collect and record the history of the first ten or fifteen years of cybernetics before too many of the fascinating personal and intellectual details of its inventors are irrevocably forgotten. I, unfortunately, am anything ...

by Glasersfeld, Ernst von | 9 Jan 2015, 14:37