Krása myšlení: přepis části televizního rozhovoru

Pokud nás někdo pozval, abychom opustili tenhle svět jistoty, svět nepopiratelného chápání, a abychom se ještě postavili proti pokušení jistoty, pak to byl Humberto Maturana, biolog, myslitel, muž s neobyčejným zájmem od dětství, začal od emocí, dostal se k vědeckému myšlení a od vědeckého myšlení ho cesta vedla zpět k ...

by Maturana, Humberto ; Warnkne, Christian | 23 Apr 2014, 10:59 | biologie   interview   maturanovská neurobiologie  

Maturana Across the Disciplines

For more than 40 years the work and ideas of Humberto Maturana has permeated the academic world and applied disciplines. What began as an answer to the question “What is life?” has become an encompassing explanatory network that includes living, cognition, languaging, and emotioning. In October 2010 we decided to ...


by Riegler, Alexander ; Brunnell, Pille | 30 Apr 2014, 11:22

Systemické reflektování

Mají-li zůstat systemické přístupy koherentní filosofii k níž se vztahují, pak musí jako metodu své práce označit to jediné, co v důsledku přijetí uvedených filosofií může terapeut dělat, totiž zacházet sám se sebou a tím podněcovat (perturbovat Maturana) (dnes lépe „nabízet příležitost“) své okolí. Metodou systemické psychoterapie rozumíme způsoby jimiž psychoterapeut v průběhu ...

by Úlehla, Ivan | 7 May 2014, 8:56 | reflektování  

Konstruktivistické úvahy o lásce

Vybral jsem pro Vás dva nezkrácené texty H. Maturany a N. Luhmanna, první z roku 1985, druhý (v prvním vydání) z roku 1982. Důvodem takové volby pro mě bylo jejich propojení společným tématem "lásky" – tématem, jež se zdá být tak vzdálené chladnému jazyku konstruktivistů. Dalším důvodem je odlišnost přístupu ...

by Luhmann, Niklas ; Strnad, Vratislav ; Maturana, Humberto | 8 May 2014, 9:17 | KONS  

An Introduction to “Maturana’s” Biology

Our passion for this work arose in very different histories of living, but these histories converged some years ago around the writings of Humberto Maturana. There were other reasons for us getting together, but it was the ideas of Maturana which inspired us both to take another look at the ...

by Fell, Lloyd | 10 Sep 2014, 15:41

The Fuzziness of Communication A Catalyst for Seeking Consensus

Human beings differ in ways of understanding, interpreting, describing or sharing experience. On the basis of experience we construct our own conceptual systems (beliefs and values) that are neither consistent nor monolithic. "Alternative conceptual systems exist, whether one likes it or not. They are not likely to go away, since ...

by Fell, Lloyd ; Dimitrov, Vladimir | 10 Sep 2014, 15:48

Living Systems - Autonomous Unities

The question which is never entirely resolved is: what is life? Biology, claims to stand for the study of life and living things, yet we would say that it cannot make a thoroughly clear distinction between living and non-living, except in some very obvious cases. There are textbook definitions, of ...

by Fell, Lloyd ; Russell, David | 11 Sep 2014, 12:06

Stress, Epistemology and Feedlot Cattle

You don't have to like feedlot cattle to read this. Come to think of it, you don't even have to like epistemology. I could probably have called it: An Attempt to Cope with Problems which Arise when You are Doing Applied Research - or even: Trying to Cope with Life.

by Fell, Lloyd | 11 Sep 2014, 12:10

Biology’s Room With a View

The diverse papers which make up this book are variations on a theme which is based in biological science - yet none of the contributors is really a biologist. Our metaphor for describing what we are doing here is that we have gathered together in a room because that particular ...

by Fell, Lloyd ; Russell, David | 11 Sep 2014, 12:14

Non-Traditional R & D

Uncertainty about funding; difficulty in determining research priorities; and concern about technology transfer (the lack of application of research results): these words stand out in the language of scientific/industrial research and development, today. So-called technology transfer seems to be the central issue because the criteria for determining research priorities and ...

by Fell, Lloyd ; Russell, David | 11 Sep 2014, 12:16